The PASTE command is used to place the information that you have stored on your virtual clipboard in the location that you have placed your mouse cursor. The COPY command is used for just that - it copies the text or image you have selected and stores is on your virtual clipboard, until it is overwritten by the next "cut" or "copy" command. Until it is overwritten by the next "cut" or "copy" command. Moves the information to your virtual clipboard, where it is stored The Cut command is used to remove text or images from the While continuing to hold down the Control key, press either X, C, or V at the same time to perform the following:.This may be abbreviated as "Ctrl" on your keyboard. or, using your mouse, place your cursor in the.First, select the text or image you wish to cut or copy (it will look similar to this: selected text.).These keyboard shortcuts require you to hold down two keys at one time. These commands are often available to you via these keyboard shortcuts, even if they are not an option in the program or window in which you are working. Your computer experience will much easier if you can remember the keyboard shortcuts for often used commands to perform "cut", "copy" and/or "paste" of text or images. Thank you for your support over the past 25 years!How to Remember Cut, Copy & Paste Keyboard Shortcuts × 12/22: This website is no longer being updated.